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A Public Health Approach to Hazing Prevention
Presented by: Laura Santacrose, MPH
Cornell University recognizes hazing as a serious public health issue. The impact of hazing on individuals can be severe, long-lasting, and even fatal. During this webinar, participants will learn about several key strategies that Cornell University has implemented to address hazing.
Addressing Masculine Cultures to Prevent Hazing
Presented by: Adam McCready, Ph.D.
Men are more likely to experience hazing than women, and high-risk hazing behaviors are more prevalent among men. This webinar addresses the relationships of masculine cultures and hazing attitudes, and identifies new avenues to prevent hazing in men’s organizations by addressing these cultures.
Power Differentials: Hazing Laws & Disparities
Presented by: James Jackson Jr., J.D.,
Dorsey Spencer, M.Ed., and Robyn Brock, M.S.
Join three campus-based professionals as they explore power differentials in the context of hazing. This webinar will focus on laws and policies related to hazing, how they may show up, and how disparities within the judicial system impact our students.
Determining Priorities in Assessing Hazing
Presented by: Dan Bureau, Ph.D.
To demonstrate departmental and organizational effectiveness as you tackle the challenging issue of hazing, it is vital to incorporate assessment into your work. This webinar focuses on setting priorities.
Hazing Investigations
Presented by: David Westol
There aren't many investigations that require more patience and preparation than those involving hazing. We'll review a number of practical approaches, tactics and strategies and provide practices that will assist you in understanding the why of hazing practices as well as the what and how.
Risk and Protective Factor Analysis
Presented by: Tim Wilkinson, M.A
This webinar walks you through a key part of the hazing prevention process — determining and utilizing risk and protective factors at each level of the social ecological model. It provides examples, and an overview of finding the data to inform those factors for your situation. It also addresses how to create a culture of prevention.
Building Up Without Tearing Down
Presented by: Chad Ellsworth
Since 1961, at least one person has died each year from hazing, four as recently as 2017. In this webinar, we examine the forces and motivations that drive hazing, and explore strategies for empowering people to create positive change in their organizations.
365 Hazing Prevention
Presented by: Kara Miller, M.Ed & Logan Davis
Efforts to prevent hazing can’t be limited to single weeks or months throughout the year. Two fraternity and sorority professionals, one at a campus and one at an international organization will share their continued work to address hazing and hazing prevention as a part of their roles.
The Role of Mentoring in Hazing Prevention
Presented by: Dr. Ron Binder
The phrase it takes a village is a good metaphor for preventing hazing on a college campus. Today’s students are more open to having a positive relationship with a mentor than at nearly any other time. When done right mentoring can be an effective tool in hazing prevention.
Now is the Time for Change: A Research-Based Approach to Hazing Prevention for Culturally-Based
Fraternal Organizations (CBFOs)
Presented by: Suzette Walden Cole and Rasheed Ali Cromwell,
International organizations and host campuses jointly play an essential role in addressing chapter conduct, as that contributes to the perception of the overall organization’s culture. Determining whether an individual, organization or both should be held accountable can be quite challenging in conduct cases involving hazing.
The Importance of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Hazing
Presented by: Tracy Maxwell
Research shows that hazing occurs in a wide-range of organizations, across all school levels and even in other parts of society, including workplaces. In this webinar, Tracy will explain the three C’s of effective intervention and discuss the role that each of us can play in addressing hazing no matter what our position.
Planning for National Hazing Prevention Week
Presented by: Sarah Wild
Each year, communities and organizations across the country observe National Hazing Prevention Week. In this session, we discuss all things NHPW and its role in your year-round hazing prevention plan.
Creating Your Prevention Plan
Presented by: Tijuana Julian, Ph.D. and Mark Fisher
The physical and emotional impact of hazing is undeniable. Students have reported that 71 percent of those who are hazed suffer from negative consequences. Hazing has a profound negative impact on those who experience it, and this weakens the fabric of the university community as a whole.
What Parents Need to Know
Presented by: Lianne Kowiak & Emily Pualwan
Each year tens of thousands of young men and women get involved with sports, clubs, and organizations at colleges and universities across the country. This presentation is for parents of students who are headed off to college, and who are joining or considering joining a group, club, fraternity or sorority, or team sport.